College changed my life.

I love learning. I love being in school. I love the challenge of a good test. My students do not. As a math teacher, I teach one of the most hated subjects in High School. Not only by my students, but by their parents, and my fellow teachers. Rarely a day goes by that I don’t hear the old saying, “I’m no good at math”.  Only in America are we proud of our ineptitude in math.

But I love learning. I didn’t particularly like math in High School. I just did well in it. I did well in all my classes. Because if the teacher put it out there for me to learn, I was going to learn it. Or at least learn it enough to satisfy the teacher’s requirements. I craved approval. And I usually went above and beyond the call of duty. Sometimes I think I faked my way through High School. Because it seemed so easy. Just do what is asked. Get an “A”. It doesn’t get any easier than that. Was I really learning anything? I played volleyball. For an amazing coach. But mostly I flew under the radar. I went to a school of rich, privileged preppies while I was from the “wrong side of the tracks”. No, really. If you go to a certain street in Lincoln, Nebraska, you will find lower income housing on one side of the railroad tracks, and what I considered amazing, super-rich homes on the other side. From single car garages to two and three car garages in a mere few feet. The contrast was that obvious. At least to me.

Then I went to college. The courses were more challenging, but also more rewarding. I was so excited to learn about stuff I didn’t even know existed, I changed majors four or five times. My leisure time was spent in the library searching for books like The Plague and Hiroshima Story. Fahrenheit 451? Hadn’t heard of it, but I found it on the library shelf and proclaimed it “AMAZING”! I reinvented myself. I was a theatre rat, also something new, I was a cheerleader and dancer and Student Activities Board Director, and…yes, I was involved in college. I went outside my comfort zone. I canoed for 9 days in the Everglades, I went rock climbing. I learned to dive off a diving board in college, and promptly called home on the hallway phone to let my mom know. I started to feel that I was somebody who could change the world. I kept my dorm room immaculate. It was money well spent, and I didn’t have to pay full price thanks to scholarships.

Then life happened. Real jobs. Husband. Kids. New priorities. And time slipped away from me and my educational goals. One of my professors at Dana (the now defunct college that I attended as an undergraduate) encouraged me to go straight through a Doctorate Program. I was sure I would. My dad has his PhD. I would, too! But teaching in a small Western Kansas town in the late 80’s didn’t really offer the post-graduate work I  needed, and soon babies came and then bills and then volunteering to coach t-ball and soccer and, well, you know how it goes. I took classes to renew that teaching license. I took a class in computers that was out of date by the time the renewal came about. It was the good old days of find something, anything, to get renewed.

But life couldn’t take from me the desire to learn. I tried other jobs. Real Estate, Battery Factory, Human Resources, online teaching. And I found them all fascinating and loved them! And along the way I learned more about the world and what is out there. Yes, I am a teacher. But I am a student first. And more and more I am beginning to believe that I am more than a teacher. I have talents beyond what I currently do for a living.

So tonight, I sent my application in for an MBA program. Not because I expect to complete the program, make $200,000 a year and live happily ever after. My lack of experience in the business world will make this journey especially difficult. But I do it  because my college experience gave me the confidence to say, “I am a life-long learner”. And no matter what I do with this new education, it will not be in waste. Because my flame burns brightest when I am tackling the unknown, the difficult, and the “just outside my comfort zone”. I say THANK YOU to my college professors at Dana. They lit that flame, and although I was a readily combustable material waiting for just the right spark, I don’t know if anywhere else would have had the same effect.

“O hail, fair Dana, hail to thee!
Our song to thee we sing:
May always we thy name revere
While truth to us be dear.”

My Top 5 Trips

I’m slightly bored tonight, so I thought I would spontaneously list the top 5 trips I have taken in my life. They appear in no particular order.

1. Nine days canoeing in the Everglades. I took this trip during college, with one awesome sponsor and several foreign exchange students (the majority from Denmark). We had to carry all our food and water with us, had no running water and slept in tents. It was a most glorious time that I will most likely share with you in another post. For now, just know that it was a time that I can still recall vividly, and often do when I need to escape the stress of everyday life.

2. Rock climbing in South Dakota. Another college trip, where I learned to rock climb, rappel, and trust in my fellow campers. Again…sleeping in tents.

3. Trips to Chicago. Once with my brother and parents, where we experienced all the art and history that we had studied in high school under the demanding teaching of an amazing World History teacher. Once during college (do you get the idea that my college days were pretty incredible?), where we took an organized road trip (and my brother tagged along!) to experience the big city and China Town. I remember not having enough money for dinner in China Town, so I wandered the streets and visited the local groceries and shops while others dined. And a third time with my husband and two young daughters. We hit the Field, Science and Art (although WAY too quickly for the Art) Museums. And, because we had young daughters, we experienced the American Girl store. Chicago is an amazing place. It is telling that my newly married daughter and her husband are taking their honeymoon there in a couple weeks.

4. The 2008 Olympic Swim Trials in Omaha, Nebraska. Originally I thought the whole family would go for a couple days. Once I saw the price of tickets, I decided it would be a trip for my swimmer daughter and myself (knowing the other two would be bored). We bought tickets for EVERY SINGLE SESSION, stayed with my parents in Lincoln, and drove in each day to experience an unforgettable good time. Screaming for American and World records, underdogs, and indoor pyrotechnics, I never thought that I would not at some point get bored. Every race was important, even the early ones. The only race we didn’t stay for was the 1600 pre-lims so that we could visit Henry Doorly Zoo, a worthy destination on it’s own. Again, I’ll have to share this experience in another post.

5. Sharing a beach front condo with my youngest, my niece and brother and sister-in-law in Florida. I love the ocean. And spending a near week in a condo ON THE BEACH was incredible. We’d get up in the morning and leisurely head down to the sand. Float in the water, watch the dolphins as they moved ever closer to us, the sunsets. The visits to places inland. Watching a rocket launch. This trip was a total stress reliever that my youngest and I are hoping to recreate next summer.

So there you have it. My spontaneous list of the top 5 trips of my life. There are many more. Childhood trips to Colorado and World’s of Fun would be up there. My honeymoon cruise should have made it as well, but it didn’t pop into my head until just now. I definitely think it would rank ahead of the rock climbing trip. So don’t be surprised if I make a SECOND top five trips list in the near future.